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Lehem Mogogo Grill by TandM Wholesale.

Lehem Mogogo Remodeled Injera Baking

Injera being the staple food for Habesha; Eritreans and Ethiopians, TandM Wholesale took its innovation to another level and invented the “Lehem Mogogo,” which eases the baking of Injera food much more compared to the traditional baking methods.

The Lehem Mogogo grill came up in mid-2022 and was designed to alleviate various catering problems with tangible solutions due to its subtly crafted style. It only consumes 200W-240W of power, and adjustable to cook in different sizes, faster.

Lehem Mogogo close-up on the switch buttons that help to regulate the power voltage.
Lehem Mogogo close-up on the switch buttons that help to regulate the power voltage.

Lehem Mogogo grill bears all the credentials that a typical Habesha woman would need in a griddle for Injera baking.  Besides, it can also be used to cook other famous Habesha foods like; pizza Hnbasha chapatti among others while capitalizing on technology.

It does this while saving time, being more power efficient, requiring less input, and, of course, improving the quality of the final recipe. Just switch it on, adjust to your preferred voltage and eat!

What is Injera?

Photo Credit, Shutterstock: Pile of uncooked teff grain with a spoon close up

In simple terms, Injera is a sour, fermented pancake-like flatbread with a slightly spongy texture, traditionally made of Teff flour. It is common in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and some parts of Sudan. Injera is central to the dining process, like posho or rice elsewhere.

What are the famous Ingredients of Injera?

Customarily, Injera is made with just two ingredients: Teff flour and water. Teff flour is ground from Teff grains, an ancient cereal crop from the Ethiopian and Eritrean Highlands.

Baked Injera on the dinning with other suplimenatry foods recipes ready to eat.
Baked Injera on the dinning with other suplimenatry foods recipes ready to eat.

However, due to the high costs of producing Teff, many farmers grow their own subsistence grains like; wheat, barley, corn or rice flour, which are sometimes used to replace some or all of the Teff content.

Usually, Teff seeds are graded according to color and used to make different kinds of Injera: white,red, and/or mixed.When Teff is not available, usually because of location or financial limitations, Injera is made by fermenting a variety of different grains, including barley, millet, and sorghum.

Teff is, however, the preferred grain for making Injera, primarily because of its sensory attributes like color, smell, and taste. And most importantly, Teff flour is gluten-free.

What is the Traditional Way of Baking Injera?

Shutterstock Image: Traditinal way of Baking Injera in Habesha culture.
Shutterstock Image: Traditinal way of Baking Injera in Habesha culture.

Injera is baked into large, flat, and round pieces. The dough’s viscosity allows it to be poured onto the baking surface rather than rolled out.

Its shape compares to that of the French Crepe or the Indian Dosa as a flat bread cooked in a cricle and usedas a base for other food recipes.

However, the baking method for Injera has changed little since its origin. Traditionally, the flour is mixed with water and fermented for some time. It is then baked by pouring the fermented mixture onto a large circular griddle commonly known as a Mitad in Amharic or Mogogo in Tigrinya.

According to some Habesha archeologists, Mogogos existence dates back as far as 600 AD. However, as a result of technological advancements in the world today, they are no longer always made out of clay.

Shutterstock Image: Traditinal way of Baking Injera in Habesha culture.
Shutterstock Image: Traditinal way of Baking Injera in Habesha culture.

It was from this point of view that TandM, an Eritrean-Canadian-based enterprise, realized that traditional clay stoves are inefficient in a way that they consume large amounts of firewood and produce a lot of smoke, thus creating household pollution and making them dangerous for use around children.

Therefore, after extensive research, they invented an insulated modern grill for baking Injera and other Habesha foods while using less power, saving time, and cooking more conveniently.

Today, women in urban areas, especially those living outside Ethiopia and Eritrea, can now buy from the TandM online store at, and use the electric Lehem Mogogo grill, topped with a large metal plate, and non-stick frying pans at very low prices.

Modern Eritrean woman cleaning the Lehem Mogogo for Injera baking
Modern Eritrean woman cleaning the Lehem Mogogo for Injera baking

Most of these women live in Canada, the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (USA), Sweden, Uganda, and Sudan, among other countries.

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  1. It is amazing mogogo let use everyone lehem